Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Family Systems Therapy


  • FST is a combination of a variety of approaches and theories
  • The theories and approaches focus on relational problems within the family
  • Who;
  • Alfred Adler (1870 - 1937)
    • First therapist to use the family therapy
    • Founded the Alderian therapy
    • Later used family as a tool
    • Used Alderian therapy as a family therapy tool
  • Murray Bowen (1913 - 1990)
    • Worked with schizophrenic individuals in families
    • Believed that families could be understood better if you studied families from a three generation perspective
  • Virginia Satir (1916 - 1988)
    • Developed conjoint family therapy
    • Intergenerational model that focuses on emotional experiences and communication
  • Carl Whitaker
    • Creator of symbolic - experimental family therapy
    • Helped families open channels of interaction
    • Helped clients develope individual autonomy
    • Saw therapist as a coach and participant
    • Shares with family creativity
    • Applied pressure to clients to promote change
  • Salvador Minuchin
    • Developed structural therapy
    • Worked with deliquent boys living in poverty
    • Believes changes in the family needs to be worked out before addressing individual problems
    • Taught clients to set boundaries
  • Jay Haley (1923 - 2007)
    • Founded the Washington School of Strategic Family Therapy
    • Worked along side Salvador Minuchin for a brief time
    • Blended concepts of hierarchy, strategic interventions and power
  • Cloe Madanes
    • Contributed to the development of brief, solution-oriented therapy
    • Worked with Haley to reframe family directives
    • Focused on solving problems in the present
    • Treated problems as "real" and not a symptom for deeper problems
  • Goals of Approach
    • Help family members become aware of problems where the present solutions aren't working
    • Help client by realizing his strengths and weaknesses
  • Key Concepts
    • Look for problems that have been passed down from generation to generation
    • Relay the fact that the present is more important than the past
    • Power coalition
    • family oriented dynamics
    • functional versus dysfunctional interaction patterns
  • Techniques
    • Change-talk with emphasis on clients lives when the problem did not exist
    • Creative questioning
    • The Miracle question
    • Scaling Questions
    • Help client discover cluse to compatence
    • Assist client to find others that will support their change and new story
  • Links;

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