Gestalt Therapy
- Who? Fritz Perls & Laura Perls
- Husband and Wife Team
- He focused on awareness and was the main developer
- She concentrated on contact and support
- Together they created the theoretical foundations of Gestalt Therapy
- Goals of Approach
- Help the client strive for wholeness
- Integregation of thinking, feeling and behaving
- Assist clients to help gain awareness of moment to moment experiences
- Help them to see that earlier influences are related to present difficulties
Accept all aspects of themselves
- Deal with unfinished business
- Key Concepts
- Contact with self and others
- Contact Boundaries
- Awareness, personal choice, responsibility
- Grounded in the here and now
- Avoidance
- Energy
- Unfinished business
- holism
- figure formation process
- Techniques
- experiments that intensify experiencing and integragate conflicting feelings
- therapist and client design experiments to develope I/thou dialogue
- work with dreams to help client re-live the dream as if it were happening now
- Guided fantasy to visual an experience client shares and ask how they feel in that moment
- Exaggerate movements of person such as a wife acts like she's mimicing her husbands conversation and then ask client to move like they would. Helps intensify clients feelings
Behavior Therapy
- Who? B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
- Skinner was called the Father of Behavioral approach to Psychology
- Emphasis on effects of environment on behavior
- He said humans do not have free choice
- He also stated that environment can be directly changed and observed but it is harder to see into the minds and motives of behaviors.
- Albert Bandura - Social cognitive we function as self organization, proactive self, reflective self. Forces that motivate behavior
- Arnold Lazarus - contributed to develpment of behavior therapy
- Goals
- Eliminate maladaptive behaviors
- learn more effective behaviors
- Find out how to change problamatic behavior
- Get client to help actively participate in development of treatment goals and how well these goals are being met
- Key Concepts
- product and producer of the environment
- Focus on overt behavior
- Present behavior is given attention
- Based on principles of learning theory
- Normal behavior - learned through reinforcment and imitation
- Abnormal behavior - result of faulty learning
- Techniques
- Reinforcement, shaping, modeling, systematic desensitization
- Relaxation methods
- Flooding
- Eye movement and desensitization reprocessing
- Cognitive restructuring
- Assertion
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